Latest release: 12 Apr 2024
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SOS226 - LP
The ashtrays in the music cellar are getting cold. Nobody coughs, that Beer tastes stale, and the disco ball spins in slow motion the sequins are missing. Only a small illuminated sign shines on the counter. Tonight: LO FAT ORCHESTRA – New Wave HIT-MACHINE from Schaffhausen, Switzerland. The band – three men with a sense of well-being Melodies – sets off on a ghost ride. “I’m not your dancer,” sings Chrisi Schmid, the singer behind it powerful synthesizer that writes the lyrics without them to write down. "I'm not your fucker." I'm not your puppet, you clown. This is the essence of the new Lo-Fat album “LFO_09”, which contains eight songs. That the name of the album just as well could come from a UFO is consistent. You don't have to Wanting to fit in or be cool for the sake of being cool. If in doubt, for the doubt. “I was afraid to talk to you,” sings Chrisi in the song “Sound,” and his Synth hops a wild dance. “I was afraid I wouldn’t like you. And I didn’t want to be like you.” The band still doesn't need a guitar. The bass works for two (the new bassist is Dominic Rubli). Drummer Daniel Zimmermann switches seemingly effortlessly between high-speed, Ballade scene and assembly line. “Love is for free,” sings Chrisi in the wonderful ballad “Good Times”. “This place is killing me.”